fingo, Author at Oxford Medistress - Page 2 of 2

International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics

This study assessed the effect of exposure of volunteers to a mild, brief, psychologically stressful event, on the functional ability of leukocytes to produce reactive oxygen species in vitro.

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Cellular Immunology Journal

This study, comprising of two phases, suggests that the immune system follows a similar trend. In phase 1: 15 healthy subjects provided capillary blood samples before and after completing three basic tasks using, in turn, two automotive touch screen interfaces (Interface 1 antecedent version, Interface 2—improved version).

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Latest News

As Oxford MediStress continues to develop the possible applications of its Leukocyte Coping Capacity Stress test, we welcome Caitlen Carr Knox as Clinical Research Scientist.

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